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​​🤝 Official partners with Sigma Software

Today's Monday is a day of great news. Congratulations to the Sigma Software company on joining the Vinnytsia IT Association. From now on, we are official partners 🎉

Sigma Software is a meeting place of Scandinavian and Ukrainian traditions. The company has taken the best of both cultures, and this mix allows it to create the best and most effective solutions. High-quality requirements, minimal hierarchy, freedom in decision-making, and attention to every point of view are inherent in Swedish business, and therefore Sigma Software! But there would be no Ukrainians in the company if, in addition, they were not flexible, dedicated to their work, ambitious, and ready to overcome challenges.

For 20 years, Sigma has been providing IT consulting services to clients worldwide, from Australia to the US West Coast. Develops excellent solutions for clients in telecommunications, advertising, aviation, automotive, gaming, finance, and more. Sigma Software works with startups, product companies, and enterprises. The company's R&D centers master trend technologies and directions, including Infotainment, virtual and augmented reality, blockchain, machine learning, Data Science, artificial intelligence, etc.

Thank you for your trust! We work together to support a strong economy and the development of the IT industry of Vinnytsia 🚀


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