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About the project

IT VN Research 2023 is the second comprehensive study of the IT industry of Vinnytsia. This non-profit project allowed us to research technologies, personnel requests, infrastructure needs, and the economic impact of the industry and form a portrait of the city's IT specialist.


"This year, we are conducting a study of the Vinnytsia IT industry for the second time.


Two years ago, we saw that Covid failed to break the work processes and the positive attitude of specialists, even in conditions of complete "remote control". Now our enemy is much more serious - however, IT remains one of the most powerful export industries that support the Ukrainian economy and joins numerous volunteer initiatives.


Our contribution to the development of technology and innovation remains our contribution to the future, and today's presentation is evidence of our non-verbal response to the events that are happening around us.


I would like to thank everyone who participated in this research and shared their knowledge and experience. Let this report become not only a source of information but also a stimulus for new ideas and cooperation!


Glory to Ukraine!

Thanks to the Defenders!


- Daria Nyshporska

Executive director of the Vinnytsia IT Association


Survey method: independent, anonymous online questionnaire filling.

Conducting time: September 1 - November 1, 2023. Colleagues from 92 IT companies with employees in Vinnytsia were invited to take the survey through mailings to the company's official mail and an advertising campaign on social networks.


Primary sources of information:

- GU DPS in Vinnytsia region;

- National Bank of Ukraine;

- Survey of IT specialists by

- Survey of IT companies by the IT VN Association


Disclaimer: All survey figures are rounded to the nearest tenth. The standard error is 2%



In today's business environment, saturated with technological changes, IT research is an important tool for determining optimal strategies and making informed decisions. Gathering information, analyzing the market and predicting future trends give business leaders a significant advantage. This is why IT research is becoming a key element of strategic management:


Why IT Research?


- Deep and accurate data based on modern tools

- Large-scale market detailing and socio-demographic portrait of an IT specialist

- Local and global forecast of future scenarios

- Innovative analysis for making the right decisions

- Current trends in rewards in companies from experts and market participants

- Comparison of the economic effect with previous years

Results 2023

IT environment of Vinnytsia: general indicators

Over three years, the number of local FOPs according to IT-KVEDs increased by 18%, the number of IT enterprises remains relatively stable.


*Relocated individuals and legal entities currently operating in Vinnytsia are not included in the calculation.

The annual increase in taxes from IT FOP to the local budget increased by 21.6%. From IT enterprises - increased by 14.5%


*Relocated individuals and legal entities currently operating in Vinnytsia are not included in the calculation.

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Portrait of an IT specialist

61.8% of the total number of employees of IT companies in Vinnytsia who passed the survey were born in the regional center.


Almost all interviewed employees live in Vinnytsia (82.4% of the total number).

​25.5% of respondents were forced to change their place of residence due to the full-scale invasion of russia

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61% studied in technical specialties

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205 vacancies as of October 2023 - this is 50% less than in January 2022.

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Workflow under conditions of a full-scale invasion

77.6% of Vinnytsia IT workers will contribute to the Armed Forces

4th place in Ukraine in terms of the size of the average donation. Median donation $186 (compared to 2022 - $41)

Every fourth company has its military project. Almost 40% of respondents pointed to the growth of volunteer initiatives of companies over the past year.

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IT-Association Vinnytsia
Vinnytsia, Kosmonavtiv Av. 30A,


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IT VN Research 2021

Do IT like Ukraine 2022


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Using of the site materials is possibleonly in case of linking to IT VN Assiciation website. 

+380 (68) 510 65 15

Vinnytsia, Kosmonavtiv Avenue 30A

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